Friday, July 25, 2008

The BiB is HERE!

Introducing the Brand NEW CarbonCopyPRO BiB!

The BIB is the world's first self-contained, professional online marketing SYSTEM and BUSINESS - In a Box. It contains everything you will ever need to be a successful marketer. Nothing more. Nothing less.

The BiB is a physical product delivered to your door that also gives you access to our online members area.

A simple way to look at it is like buying a new cell phone. You buy the phone from the store (your BiB) and you then you pay a monthly membership to maintain your service (the members area and online marketing system).

Your next question should be “What does it include?” Great question.

This product is the result of close to four years to develop and has become the template that everyone is trying to copy. The BiB provides you with everything you require to run a SUCCESSFUL online business. Notice how I said SUCCESSFUL? Anybody can throw up a product and a website these days. What separates the wanna be’s from the success stories is the detail that goes into their marketing system.

Learn more about the CarbonCopyPRO BiB here.