We all know some of the reasons people decide to start their own home business—flexibility, no boss, financial independence, and more time with family. These are the benefits of network-marketing success, and they attract new people to the industry every day.
But just as important as the advantages are the aspects of the field that turn people away: lack of sales experience, no confidence on the phone, the inability to recruit, shaky products, and poor management. Jay Kubassek and several of his top producers decided to create a business that addressed the concerns of the latter group, assuming a clear path to success could be found by putting systems in place that help people automatically clear the hurdles in front of them.
This was the thinking that led Jay to the create CarbonCopyPRO.com, an internet marketing “business in a box” that gives average people the marketing power of an internet powerhouse. The four- year-old company enables anyone to go toe-to-toe with veteran networkers and puts them in a position to earn a six-figure income without any background knowledge or prior marketing experience.
“It’s really my way of making my marketing techniques work for the average person who wouldn’t otherwise stand a chance of success,” Jay says. “How do we eliminate the sales and marketing variables for Joe Blow coming in off the street? It began as a way for me to take my personal marketing experience and success—ad copy, auto responders, my website, “carbon copy” it, and make that available for other people. Along the way it started to snowball as we attracted more and more industry leaders and top income earners.
“Everything else out there requires the new marketer to go out, learn the techniques of marketing, of sales, and then identify an opportunity and give it their best shot,” he adds. “You look at years of trial and error and long, frustrating learning curves. CarbonCopyPRO is different in the sense
Jay knows full well how difficult it is to jump into the network marketing world without a life preserver. After years of working 60- and 70-hour weeks and still only making enough money to pay the bills, he decided to try a home-based business as a way of supplementing his income as a Midas store manager where he was selling brakes and tires to people. “I followed the system, bought leads, called my leads, put people on the conference calls and sent them to websites,” he remembers. “I did three-way calls, talked, preached, ranted, sang, and sold the company and products. I was marketing to anyone who would listen.”
The problem was, none of that worked. His sponsors got rich while Jay went to sleep exhausted and broke. Eventually, he came to the realization that his process wasn’t working. Rather than throwing in the towel, Jay took what he learned through two and a half years of failure and vowed to create a system that actually benefitted the average networker.
“I thought to myself, what if I could take everything I had learned and create a marketing system that would eliminate most if not all of the variables, a system that would work for me and everyone who got started with me?” Jay says. “This was the genesis of CarbonCopyPRO. Everything that was proven to work was duplicated and taught to each new member. This dramatically reduced learning curves, eliminated guess work, and increased results for everyone.”
Four years later, and it’s obvious Jay and his partners were on to something. CarbonCopyPRO went from holding its own against bigger networking companies to increasing by nearly 500 percent in gross commission. By having a system and call center in place to handle all the marketing, recruiting, phone interactions, and communication aspects of the business, home-based rookies and veterans alike are achieving unprecedented success at unmatched levels.
“Typically, you have to have a success story before people will work with you in this industry, and when you’re new, you have no story. It’s a bad catch-22,” Jay explains. “You’re not marketing yourself here, you’re marking a network, a system, a community, and an idea. All the emphasis is put on the success of the group and the system; not on you. A lot of our members make most of their money without ever talking to their new customers. You just pay us a monthly fee and we do the grunt work for you.”
CarbonCopyPRO can be applied to any business or product line. Currently, the company is exclusively partnered with Wealth Masters International, handpicked by Jay because “they offer the highest value product line in the industry, and we want to provide our distributors with a quality business. We believe they’re the best product line out there, and that’s why we chose them.”
Jay has come full circle in four years, transitioning from corporate America to a home- based business in network marketing and finally, with CarbonCopyPRO.com thriving, back to corporate America. He and two partners run the business from their Manhattan offices where they employ a full-time staff of four. They also have 13 contract workers acting as professional business coaches who personally work with members to ensure each person’s business is growing to the level they desire.
“I’m back to the 10-6, Monday through Friday schedule, and I absolutely love it, because this time it’s about building my own company, not someone else’s,” Jay says. “And that’s why I created this business—I want everyone to be able to experience this same feeling of personal freedom and success, and now they finally have a real, proven way to do it.”
Jay Kubassek is the Founder/CEO of CarbonCopyPRO.com