Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Make a KILLING this fall!


[Feel free to fwd this on to your teams by logging into your myccmarketing.com account, clicking on Customers, Members and then scrolling to the very bottom of the page.]

Couple things to share with you today. The weather has turned and fall is in the air. I love this time of the year... everything seems fresher, cleaner, and crisper with the absence of the humidity and lower temperatures. Being a Canadian, I am used to having four distinct seasons and have been looking forward to this fall for a lot of reasons.

Here are some timely tips for you to help build your business and capitalize on a lot of the trends that are converging right now. As you all know the economy has a lot of people scared right now. People are legitimately concerned and feeling helpless. This combined with normal fall buying trends makes this one of the most lucrative fall's in recent memory. Here are some tips and tricks that I have learned... things that I have done and STILL do to build my personal business:


Some of our leaders have over 20% of their active members coming to the event on Oct 18! This is huge and here's why: Statistically speaking, the chances of a new members long term success are several hundred percent greater if they attend a live training event within their first 90 days. Why is this so important? Well it's obviously to leaders that if they are going to build a team and their residual income, they MUST develop leaders and duplication. There is no easier way to do this than to get as many of your active members to an event as possible.

Here are some POWERFUL TIPS to get your team to the event and watch your residual income explode!

1) Personally invite EVERY one of your members to your "private cocktail party" at the event. Get with other people and have a small meet and greet in your room. If you do not have a team coming to the event you are invited to mine (assuming I am your personal sponsor!)
2) Email your active members and something like I have done here in this email demonstrate your leadership. You can do this directly from within your WMI account or by logging into your myccmarketing.com account and clicking on Customers, Members, and following the instructions on the bottom of that page.
3) Send out promotions... Offer to cover airfare, partial event ticket prices, etc, etc "to the first 5 people who respond" or "by a certain day" etc... This is one of the BEST investments you can do and the ROI on this kind of "internal" marketing is HUGE!
4) Have team conference calls and invite myself, parky, or another leader to come out as a guest speaker once a month.

Get creative... there are a LOT of things you can do to motivate your team and build your residual income but it ALL starts with leadership and your demonstration of WHAT IT TAKES!


The fall is the best time of the year since the ROI's are the highest and the number of serious buyers out there is the highest of anytime during the year. Combined with the state of the economy, we have an unparalleled opportunity here this fall. Here are my top marketing picks for the fall:

Google: Google is HOT right now and we have a brand new Google training module created by Cherie Yvette
(The Urban Cowgirl) http://www.myccmarketing.com/mg/09day.php)
Personally I use her services and highly endorse her expertise. Cherie is definitely the industry expert on Google and I highly recommend you leverage her training and expertise.

Don't want to take the time to learn how to setup your own Google adwords account? Have Cherie do it for you with her Google Goldrush: http://www.theurbancowgirl.com/ccpro/

Direct Mail: Again, the fall is not only the best time of the year for the home based business industry, its also the BEST time of the year for Direct Mail! Cash in now with our super slick turnkey direct mail options by clicking here: http://www.myccmarketing.com/directmail.php We have a new BiB focused postcard now, go order your today!

Once you start to see the duplication and the residual checks coming in you will NEVER look back! Regardless what you choose to do with your business, remember your decisions and choices will affect how many people not only join your team but actually GET TO WORK and generate residual income for you!

See you in Dallas! To your success,

Jay Kubassek