Ten years have passed, that were never short of interesting, even without modest embellishment. We will look back on these days soon. Some years will be remembered with favor others with a wince. We may find ourselves slightly awestruck at the amount of bitter peaks and the somber valleys.
More live better than before, but at what cost? Fortunes were forged, a few were earned, and the world economy caught the flu. Race was redefined, war was waged and the computer made its way into the family portrait, whether you liked it or not.
Everything, and everyone, went online. Reading, shopping, dating, shouts, murmurs and screams. The most popular surname became dot com. Born and bred were Facebook, Amazon, Google and a little thing called Twitter. The Internet’s teenage years were important and rather tumultuous times, but a new course was set.
How the world will interact and communicate has been changed forever. Web 2.0 gave way to 3.0. Choices are everywhere, opportunity is inherently more diverse and abundant. Information now finds you and follows you to sleep. All the while most things are getting more expensive, and we have to practically get naked in front of strangers to get onto an airplane.
Still it seems the best of things is still yet to come. Everywhere there is more music and more art. More healthy children are born, borders are crossed, disease is cured. Some soldiers come home, treaties are signed, apologies are made, people are forgiven.
Invariably a new year approaches and we reflect upon those things we hope are different for us as another four seasons approach. Some call them “new years resolutions,” others hopes and dreams. A few call it reality.
That’s where the 99% who “wish and hope” are separated from the 1 % who realize.
Let’s take look at just one of the common resolution millions have just made for 2010: Weight Loss.
“Honey, I’m going to lose 20 pounds this year.”
“Not only am I going to join the Y, I’m going to start playing volleyball again”
“No more of this…that.”
Sound familiar?
Here’s the next part:
“Well I don’t have gym clothes really…so I need to do that first.”
“Gosh, work is just crazy right now…I seriously don’t have time to sleep let alone run 3 miles”
“Well, I was just going to start on the 15th since I’m travelling next week…and then there is Sarah’s birthday and the long weekend…yada yada yada.”
Also sound familiar?
There is only a single difference between those who live their goals, and those that only set their goals. Action. All of the desires, ambitions, fortunes, happiness and joy that we experience are the result of 1% ideas and 99% decisive action, the premise for my coming book 99%.
Bear in mind that whatever you may decide is next for you-will only be a result of the steps you take. It will be a result of the persistence you show, and the discipline you can apply towards your personal commitment to simply do it.
As we we enter this first full week of the new decade I wish everyone a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.