Sometimes the unconventional path is the one you have to take to get
to the end result you want. If you think of success as a destination,
there are many paths to get there. If you don't have a precise
destination in mind, any path will get you there. For example, you don't
get in your car just to "drive around". You get in it to go somewhere.
When you're
working on something that is outside of your expertise, it can be a
helpless feeling. (If you're new to PRO, you probably know this
feeling.) What should I be doing, and in what order? What do I focus on?
Entrepreneurs face this all the time. It never goes away. The skill
that you're going to learn is how to navigate through those times. It's
like an airplane going to its destination that runs into rough weather,
and must react and adapt on the fly to make it. It's those little moments that separate the professionals from the amateurs.
you are faced with a daunting decision or challenge that's way outside
your comfort zone, how do you respond? Learning how to make the right
decisions in these situations is a critical skill as an entrepreneur. As
you deal with these situations more and more, you become better at
them. Because of that, they start to happen less. That's how you become
more efficient over time at doing work that pays, rather than getting
caught in crisis mode all the time.
I had one of these moments
yesterday. At first, it had me in a tailspin. I felt like there were a
hundred different things that I needed to do. It lasted a few moments,
and it felt like a freefall. But in that moment it hit me: I made a
decision to have a quick little workout to clear my mind. It's something
I know about myself that helps me take control of situations like that.
When I find myself in a moment like this, the best thing to do is to
clear your mind. For me, that means a quick walk or bike ride. Maybe a
10 minute workout like yesterday. It's so simple - just step away. (Ideally, this will involve some physical exercise, as it releases dopamine - a natural antidepressant.)
what happened yesterday. Today I looked in the mirror and said, "I'm
going to give myself an unfair advantage." I'm going to do the same
thing and clear my head again. I didn't feel like I "needed it" today,
because I wasn't facing one of those freefall situations. But I did it
anyway. I went for a quick jog with Victor around my block. And on this
jog, the same thing happened as yesterday - all of a sudden my day fell
into place again. I saw my day line up in order and got total clarity on
what to do in what order. It wasn't that I had a lack of clarity before
I did this, but it wasn't on the same level that it ended up being
after the jog.
Sometimes we make things way more complicated than
they really are. We stop trusting ourselves to make the right decisions.
We can fix this easily and take just 10 or 15 minutes to clear our
minds. These things may not be exciting - heck, I don't usually feel
like doing these things before I do them. But I know they're good for my
clarity and to work more efficiently. And I didn't get here in 8 years
as an entrepreneur by allowing my feelings to dictate what I do or don't
We're almost to the halfway mark of 2012. Check in with
yourself: how's this year going? Where are you at? For me, in the last
six months of 2004, it was an absolute breakout period. If you haven't
had a breakout period this year, understand this - you're way closer to
it than you think. The moments of clarity we give ourselves make breakouts possible.
It's often the crises that make us take those moments, but it doesn't
have to be that way. We can make the choice to give ourselves those
moments even when we don't "need" them to solve some critical situation.
the biggest problems you are facing right now, understand that the
solutions are right there in front of you. Take a moment and stop trying
to figure everything out yourself. The answers are waiting to be
discovered. And the solution almost never looks like it's the solution
at first. Hang in there, and it will eventually reveal itself to you.