What is the value of YOUR leadership? Leadership is the most precious commodity known to man! In fact society is so starved for leadership and someone/thing to follow right now, you could light yourself on fire and run down the street and people would follow you in droves!
We are committed to developing the industries next generation of leaders with CarbonCopyPRO by teaching these concepts. Personalize them, and develop them into your own character and people will crawl over each other just to work with you! Combine them with the brilliance of the CarbonCopyPRO marketing system and you are on your way!
To the degree that you have something of value to offer your prospects and to the degree that they perceive the value of your leadership, or a business relationship with you -- to that degree you will be financially successful.
1) Invest in yourself: If you are coming to our next Master Marketing Event in Dallas in Oct, you are making an incredible investment in yourself thereby increasing your value to your prospects. You will have more knowledge, belief, skills, tips, tricks, contacts, etc, etc than you did before. This is one example of how you can increase your value to society. Other ways are by reading books, taking courses, learning new marketing techniques, attending conference calls, and masterminding with your sponsor and other leaders. Your income is really just a byproduct of your value to society. The more your perceived value to your prospects, the more they will buy into you! Its really very simple. On the other hand, if you are having a tough time recruiting people consider that this has NOTHING to do with your marketing of system and EVERYTHING to do with their lack of perceived value in you as their LEADER!
2) Effective communication: In November I will attend a 3-day intensive training workshop here in Manhattan with a small group of CEO's and other executives to further develop my personal communication skills. For $3500 I will under go 3 full days of intense training and brutal constructive criticism. (www.SpeakEasyInc.com) Why would I want to do this? Do I think that I am lacking in basic communication skills? Of course not! I made millions of dollars in the last four years as a marketer because I am already able to effectively articulate and communicate my value to my prospects. Yet, as part of my personal commitment to be the best I can possibly be in EVERY area of life, the journey of personal growth continues. The spoken word is all we have and as you will learn in Dallas, you can have the best message but if you can't communicate it, you have nothing.
3) Patience and persistence: These two disciplines have made me more money than any other. If you are simply able to "hang in there" and persist longer than most, you will make more money than most. Think about it in these terms... if you are able to persist longer than 99%, you have a 99% greater chance of success than most (assuming you do all of the things top income earners do!) Most people never stick with anything long enough to either get good enough at them or truly reap the benefits of their hard work! Put your head down and focus on your long term objectives. Don't look around you and don't EVER look back.
Leaders lead because they are leaders -- not because anyone is following them. At some point you will turn around and notice an entire group, team, community, country, civilization following you! How far do you want to go? Stop looking around and start developing yourself as a leader. Until then, don't expect anyone to follow you - leave alone give you their money!
Jay Kubassek
Founder and CEO