It’s a warm and sunny Monday morning in May….
You awaken from a deep sleep, it’s about 6am, and you have a smile on your face. You slept great… better than you have in a long time… and after a few minutes of laying there listening to the birds chirping and watching tiny specks of dust float through the tiny light beams peeking through the shutters, it hits you…
The adrenaline.
Friday was the last day at your job of 15 years and today is the first day of the rest of your life. You have been earning an additional $5000 a month for the last three months or so, from home, part-time, after hours…
You convinced your spouse that you have what it takes to make the plunge and quit. You gave your notice and now you are done.
Instead of forcing yourself out of bed and dragging yourself to the shower, like you did for years and years… you spring out of bed and leap down the stairs.
You log into your virtual business to see what’s going on….
By 6:15 you are sipping on a cup of Joe and checking your emails. You have a few appointments that your assistant has scheduled for you and you notice that you have $800 in commissions that came in over night, while you slept. Then it hits you…
You smile to yourself.
You silently clench your fists, close your eyes, and let out a sigh… you say thank you. Thank you thank you thank you.
You get up, walk to the bathroom. You wash your face, and as the water is dripping off of your face, you look up in the mirror, and staring back at you is the person you always knew you could be.
You pound your fist on the counter top and say in a quiet yet victorious voice: “You did it....You did it! I knew you could. I knew it. I knew it!”
You catch a smile in the mirror out of the corner of your eye as you turn out the lights and head to the kitchen to refill your coffee.
Suddenly you hear a door open and your two sleep-eyed kids come wandering into the kitchen… “What’s for breakfast?” asks your son…
What do you WANT for breakfast, buddy..?
Frosted Flakes!
Alright, Frosted Flakes it is!
Out comes the milk, the bowls, and the Frosted Flakes. Before long the sugar has kicked in, and the kids are off playing… you clean up breakfast and take a cup of coffee upstairs to your other half who is just getting up.
You have to get to work… “yeah right!” is the reply... I know what you do all day. You just sit behind your computer and poke around online--that’s not work!
You laugh and agree… you say, you’re right it’s not work… it’s too much fun to be work… but I got kids to feed and we all know we can’t live on cheerios... gotta go bring home the bacon!
You are shaking like a two year old filly in the starting gate… you take a 3-minute shower that barely gets you wet and you throw on some jeans, sneakers, and a tee shirt.
You are on top of the world. You are invincible. You are free. You are flying. And you are flying high. You are high on life for the first time in years. The trek into work, the BS, the politics, the endless meetings, the chit chat, the small minded people complaining about their lives. All of that is behind you and you have joined the ranks of the few. The proud. Those who write their own ticket.
The 3% who dream… You have escaped the indentured servitude of the 97%ers and have crossed over to the other side. There is no feeling like it, and there is no going back. You are all chips in. Fully committed. Free at last.
The scene I just described is not only my typical Monday morning... and the life I get to enjoy, but also that of countless members of the PRO U family.
It could be the life waiting for you, too.
There is only one way to find out.
And that is to have the courage to take the next step.
It’s your call... you can spend the next three years trying to figure it out... continue to struggle, and potentially fail, or you could plug into PRO and WAKE UP the inner entrepreneur that you KNOW is inside of you.
Let’s go folks. Its time to WAKE UP and live the good life.
You awaken from a deep sleep, it’s about 6am, and you have a smile on your face. You slept great… better than you have in a long time… and after a few minutes of laying there listening to the birds chirping and watching tiny specks of dust float through the tiny light beams peeking through the shutters, it hits you…
The adrenaline.
Friday was the last day at your job of 15 years and today is the first day of the rest of your life. You have been earning an additional $5000 a month for the last three months or so, from home, part-time, after hours…
You convinced your spouse that you have what it takes to make the plunge and quit. You gave your notice and now you are done.
Instead of forcing yourself out of bed and dragging yourself to the shower, like you did for years and years… you spring out of bed and leap down the stairs.
You log into your virtual business to see what’s going on….
By 6:15 you are sipping on a cup of Joe and checking your emails. You have a few appointments that your assistant has scheduled for you and you notice that you have $800 in commissions that came in over night, while you slept. Then it hits you…
You smile to yourself.
You silently clench your fists, close your eyes, and let out a sigh… you say thank you. Thank you thank you thank you.
You get up, walk to the bathroom. You wash your face, and as the water is dripping off of your face, you look up in the mirror, and staring back at you is the person you always knew you could be.
You pound your fist on the counter top and say in a quiet yet victorious voice: “You did it....You did it! I knew you could. I knew it. I knew it!”
You catch a smile in the mirror out of the corner of your eye as you turn out the lights and head to the kitchen to refill your coffee.
Suddenly you hear a door open and your two sleep-eyed kids come wandering into the kitchen… “What’s for breakfast?” asks your son…
What do you WANT for breakfast, buddy..?
Frosted Flakes!
Alright, Frosted Flakes it is!
Out comes the milk, the bowls, and the Frosted Flakes. Before long the sugar has kicked in, and the kids are off playing… you clean up breakfast and take a cup of coffee upstairs to your other half who is just getting up.
You have to get to work… “yeah right!” is the reply... I know what you do all day. You just sit behind your computer and poke around online--that’s not work!
You laugh and agree… you say, you’re right it’s not work… it’s too much fun to be work… but I got kids to feed and we all know we can’t live on cheerios... gotta go bring home the bacon!
You are shaking like a two year old filly in the starting gate… you take a 3-minute shower that barely gets you wet and you throw on some jeans, sneakers, and a tee shirt.
You are on top of the world. You are invincible. You are free. You are flying. And you are flying high. You are high on life for the first time in years. The trek into work, the BS, the politics, the endless meetings, the chit chat, the small minded people complaining about their lives. All of that is behind you and you have joined the ranks of the few. The proud. Those who write their own ticket.
The 3% who dream… You have escaped the indentured servitude of the 97%ers and have crossed over to the other side. There is no feeling like it, and there is no going back. You are all chips in. Fully committed. Free at last.
The scene I just described is not only my typical Monday morning... and the life I get to enjoy, but also that of countless members of the PRO U family.
It could be the life waiting for you, too.
There is only one way to find out.
And that is to have the courage to take the next step.
It’s your call... you can spend the next three years trying to figure it out... continue to struggle, and potentially fail, or you could plug into PRO and WAKE UP the inner entrepreneur that you KNOW is inside of you.
Let’s go folks. Its time to WAKE UP and live the good life.