As I sat on my front porch this morning, reading the paper and enjoying my first cup of coffee for the day, I could not help but feel a certain sense of gratitude for the freedom I take for granted every day.
I have had the privilege of living in this great country for the last 9 years, and even though I am fiercely proud to be Canadian, feelings of patriotism and adoration for my new homeland were overwhelming this morning.
After spending the weekend doing the normal “get ready for summer” stuff around the house and enjoying the last three days of family barbecues and abundance – it really hit home.
Without the price of freedom that was paid, and continues to be paid, none of this would be possible.
From the first explorers who decided that the status quo was a far worse choice than the peril of setting out to sea without a GPS – let alone the knowledge that the earth was round – to our forefathers who built this country from scratch with their hands. And to the price paid on the battlefield, in blood, so that our freedom could not only be possible, but ensured.
As Miki came outside this morning, grabbing her little flag out of the flower pot, waving it fiercely, I could not help but feel a rush of gratitude for the freedom my family has to live the life of our dreams. And, not only to live the life of our dreams, but also for the distinct privilege of helping to wake others up to the possibility of living theirs as well.
Thank you God for the gift of freedom. For freedom from oppression, hardship, and persecution. Thank you for the opportunity to live a life fulfilled. Let us never again forget that this freedom is a privilege, not a right. It’s a privilege paid for dearly by countless individuals far braver than myself. This is a gift that I promise will never again take for granted.